Tribulus Terrestris Extract



Quantity: 100g

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SKU: EVM-210228 Category:


Tribulus Terrestris Extract

Part Used:Fruit
Extract Ratio 4:1 to 200:1
1. Saponins 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 90%,95% UV
2. Protodioscin 20% 40% HPLC


Tribulus is a plant that produces fruit covered with spines. Rumor has it that tribulus is also known as puncture vine because the spines are so sharp they can flatten bicycle tires. People use the fruit, leaf, and root as medicine.

People use tribulus for conditions such as chest pain, eczema, enlarged prostate, sexual disorders, infertility, and many others, but there is no good scientific evidence to support these uses.


1.Enhance Libido:Some researchers found that when men with reduced sex drives consumed 750–1,500 mg of Tribulus terrestris daily for two months, their sexual desire increased by 79%.

Also, 67% of women with very low libidos experienced increased sexual desire after they took supplements of 500–1,500 mg for 90 days.

Other studies have also reported that supplements containing the herb enhanced sexual desire, arousal and satisfaction in women with low libido.

2.Improve Body Composition or Exercise Performance:Active individuals frequently take Tribulus terrestris supplements to improve their body composition by increasing muscle or decreasing fat.

3.Fluid balance: This plant may act as a diuretic and increase urine production.
4.Immune system: Immune system activity in rats has been shown to increase when they are given this supplement.
5.The brain: As part of a multi-ingredient supplement, Tribulus terrestris may have antidepressant effects in mice.
6.Inflammation: A test-tube study showed possible anti-inflammatory effects.
7.Pain relief: High doses of this supplement may provide pain relief in rats.
8.Cancer: Test-tube research has shown a possible anti-cancer effect of Tribulus terrestris

Side Effects & Safety

Tribulus supplements are POSSIBLY SAFEfor most people when taken by mouth for a short period of time. Tribulus has been used safely in research studies lasting up to 90 days. Side effects are usually mild and uncommon but might include stomach pain, cramping, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, constipation, excitation, difficulty sleeping.


As an dietary supplement, take daily as needed prior to meals.

The recommended dosage is 100-300mg saponins daily, divided into two or three doses daily.

For different specification, here is the corresponding Recommended Dosage:

Specification Recommended Dosage
40% saponins 250-750mg/day
60% saponins 160-500mg/day
90% saponins 110-330mg/day

Technical Data Sheet

Analysis of main sexual function products on the market&Formula recommendation

We also can provide you the formula powder as your needs

Production process

Certificates: ISO, Kosher



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